
Keep up to date with all the latest CATCH news and developments.

CATCH PhD student, Longdan Hao, with colleagues at the University of Sheffield, have a chapter published in an eBook on Springer Link. 

7th December 2023

CATCH Research Associate, Gerlinde Pilkington, has chapters published in a systematic review book for students. 

6th December 2023

CATCH member, Professor Mark Hawley, is a member of a new Devices for Dignity Health Technology Research Centre awarded funding to support people with long term health conditions. 

28th November 2023

CATCH member, Professor Rebecca Palmer, receives award for outstanding contribution to profession. 

9th November 2023

CATCH member Longdan Hao and colleagues have a systematic review and meta-analysis published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research.

10th October 2023

The Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health appreciates the outstanding contributions that contract research staff make to the Faculty.

14th September 2023

Read more and Register your interest! 

31 August 2023

When? Tuesday 12th September Where? Online

Read more and Register your interest! 

31 August 2023

CATCH members have paper published in the NIHR Evidence Collection on Digital Technology in the NHS

29 June 2023

CATCH members will present study in a lightning talk at the Communication Matters conference in Leeds, 10-12 September 2023

07 June 2023

CATCH members and colleagues have a paper published in the Augmentative and Alternative Communication Journal.

06 June 2023

CATCH member, Natalie Jones, Clinical Academic Occupational Therapist, has been honoured for her significant contribution to the Allied Health Profession.

01 June 2023

CATCH member, Dr Peter Cudd, has a poster accepted at ACM CHI 

26 April 2023

CATCH project, INVITE, has commenced and is due to begin recruitment! 

26 April 2023

We are delighted to announce our second Robotics for Frailty Challenge funding call

4 April 2023

Care Robot Develpoment - The Korean Experience

24 March 2023

CATCH PhD student, Ghada Alnooh, and colleagues have a systematic review published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research.

10 January 2023

CATCH members, Professor Mark Hawley and Dr Stephen Potter are working with Astraline and Johnnie Johnson to deliver a trailblazing research project that enables organisations and researchers to test technology and ideas, in an ethically governed Independent Living Lab. 

5 January 2023

We are delighted to announce our Robotics for Frailty Challenge funding call. We are looking to fund research-driven proposals that engage with our findings and advance the state of the art of robotics towards being capable of transforming community health and care, with an emphasis on real-world adoption and deployment. 

20 October 2022

An event to find out about our upcoming EPSRC Network+ funding call to facilitate the emergence of robots from the lab into service.

21 September 2022

CATCH member, Dr Alice Spann, and colleagues have an article published in the Journal Community, Work and Family.

21 September 2022

Health and Social Care in the Community publish a thesis article by CATCH members which was funded by the School of Health and Related Research at the University of Sheffield and Zuyd University of Applied Sciences.

20 September 2022

CATCH member Dr Peter Cudd and colleagues have a new published study in the Journal of Medical Engineering and Technology.

29 June 2022

We have a new PhD position available here in CATCH funded by the Dunhill Medical Trust.

5 April 2022

The University of Sheffield colleagues shared great news that one of their papers has received the top 10 most citations published within BMJ Health & Care Informatics (BMJ HCI) in 2019 and thus contributed the most in increasing awareness of the articles BMJ publish.

12 January 2022

CATCH members Dr Steven Ariss and Professor Sue Mawson, along with colleagues from St Luke's Hospice and Liverpool John Moores University, have a new study published in BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care

6 January 2022

Dr Matthew Bennion, colleague at the University of Sheffield colleague, has a new article published in Frontiers in Psychology and the publication follows on from research produced by the CATCH THAW (Technology for Healthy Ageing and Wellbeing) project.

4 January 2022

UNICEF has published its App Catalogue: a library of reliable disability-inclusive digital applications supporting children, adolescents, caregivers and frontline workers. VocaTempo, the voice input augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) app, developed by CATCH and Barnsley Hospital's Assistive Technology Team working with Therapy Box Ltd, has been included in this catalogue.

7 December 2021

CATCH member, Dr Rebecca Palmer, and colleagues from the University of Sheffield have a published article in Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine.

23 November 2021

CATCH Professor, Luc de Witte, has participated in a large WHO meeting with government representatives of more than 30 countries in the WHO EU Region about assistive technology provision.

12 October 2021

Social prescribing promises to shake up the way we think about healthcare, while digital technologies have transformed the way we live and work. How can social prescribing and digital technologies be used to complement each other, and improve the health and wellbeing of all?

8 September 2021

CATCH members have collaborated on the Circle of Care for Home: Community Stroke Services Sheffield project report and volume one has been published.

22 July 2021

CATCH Professor, Luc de Witte, contributes to an article about healthcare innovation and technology published in the Dutch newspaper FD.

8 July 2021

Professor Mark Hawley and Professor Luc de Witte of CATCH are part of a team that has won funding from EPSRC to set up a new research network.

9 June 2021

During the first months of 2021 Kat Easton and Stephen Potter of CATCH, in collaboration with digital development company Mindwave Ventures, devised, developed and ran a series of a series of four webinars, each dealing with a different subject in the area of digital health innovation.

12 May 2021

Professor Luc de Witte and colleagues from Bangalore Baptist Hospital have a new publication in Epidemiology and Infection which is a fully open access journal publishing original reports and reviews on all aspects of infection in humans and animals.

6 May 2021

CATCH members and research colleagues have co-authored a paper and received a publication in the Archives of Disease in Childhood, British Medical Journal.

5 May 2021

CATCH Clinical Academic OT Natalie Jones and colleagues have an article published by the British Journal of Occupational Therapy.

14 April 2021