Dr Jon Barker


Dr Jon Barker


Department: Computer Science

Faculty: Engineering

Research expertise

  • Speech recognition by humans and machines

  • Hearing aid signal processing

  • The application of machine learning to audio processing


Telephone: +44 114 22 21824

Email: j.p.barker@sheffield.ac.uk

University profile


Dr Jon Barker is a Reader in Computer Science in the Speech and Hearing Research Group. He has a first-class degree in electrical and information sciences from Cambridge University, UK. After receiving a PhD from the University of Sheffield in 1999, he has worked at GIPSA-lab, Grenoble and IDIAP research institute in Switzerland and has had a permanent post at Sheffield since 2002.

Current research projects

AVCOGHEAR is a multidisciplinary EPSRC funded project in collaboration with the University of Stirling for developing a next-generation multimodal hearing aid. The aid will be designed to help users in noisy environments; the device will use a miniaturised camera that can lip read, process information in real-time, and seamlessly fuse and switch between audio and visual cues. The project team span computer science, psychology, a hearing researcher with advice from an industrial partner, Phonak.