
The Centre for Assistive Technology and Connected Healthcare (CATCH) is a translational research centre at the University of Sheffield. We research, develop, evaluate and implement new technologies to enable people to live well and age well.

Solutions for population ageing

Population ageing means the number of people with long-term conditions and disability is rising. Our 70 academics from 18 different departments and 5 faculties are dealing with their needs in order to provide solutions away from institution-based care towards care provided in the home and community.

Three people looking at a computer screen


Our aim is to make a significant and lasting contribution to the quality of life and independence of the growing number of people with disabilities and long-term health conditions. The University of Sheffield has recognised the need for research in this area and has invested funds to develop the centre and research into assistive technology and telehealth.

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Our Home Lab mimics the home or care environment and allows volunteer users to simulate living normally, testing a range of technologies whilst being observed and evaluated by researchers. The Home Lab also helps people to define their needs for technology.

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Professor Mark Hawley giving a talk

"Our vision is to transform the ways in which people are enabled to live well and age well through the application of ubiquitous and personalised technology."

Professor Mark Hawley, CATCH Director

Our research

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Our research is focused around co-design which means that every project we work on will always involve collaborations with one or more of industry, patients and the public, charities, NHS, clinicians, social care providers and local authorities.

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Devices for Dignity (D4D) delivers innovative technology solutions to support people with long-term conditions, preserving their dignity and independence. An example of one of our projects with D4D is the STAR project.


Alzheimer's Society: United Against Dementia
Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Carers UK
Consequential Robotics
Housing & Care 21
Medical AMRC
Sheffcare: Enriching lives
Sheffield 50+
Sheffield Healthcare Gateway
Sheffield Robotics
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
SITraN: Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience